Chinese Market Insights


Social Apps in China Are Optimistic about the Metaverse
Social Apps in China Are Optimistic about the Metaverse
by ziyan
on 2023-01-30

Social Apps in China Are Optimistic about the Metaverse

Mark Zuckerberg has made the biggest empty promise about the "Metaverse", as Facebook, which renamed Meta, spend USD $10 billion in 2021 trying to develop metaverse software and hardware, and launched the VR social platform Horizon. But, desperately,... continue reading

The Evolution of WeChat Video Channel
The Evolution of WeChat Video Channel
by Luqi
on 2022-01-24

The Evolution of WeChat Video Channel

Nowadays, people prefer watching videos rather than reading text and viewing images. As demand for short-form video grows, the importance of video content to marketing strategy is massive and still growing.WeChat launched the Short-video feature in 2... continue reading

Six indicators of Wechat marketing
Six indicators of Wechat marketing
by Luqi
on 2020-11-24

Six indicators of Wechat marketing

When we do Wechat operation, marketers always encounter many problems. This article summarizes the six indicators that Wechat marketing must achieve, which can help Wechat marketers improve the advertising effect and achieve a better conversion rate.... continue reading

Top Wechat Marketing Platforms and Tools in 2021
Top Wechat Marketing Platforms and Tools in 2021
by Luqi
on 2020-11-09

Top Wechat Marketing Platforms and Tools in 2021

Beginner Guides: Top Wechat Marketing Platforms and Tools in 2021A whole ecosystem of WeChat marketing platforms and tools are out there to help you in content creation. Taking advantage of these powerful free tools is a must for those of us doing We... continue reading


How to increase WeChat Article Open Rate to 20%-30% Higher than the average
How to increase WeChat Article Open Rate to 20%-30% Higher than the average
by Luqi
on 2020-09-10

How to increase WeChat Article Open Rate to 20%-30% Higher than the average

WeChat has surpassed 1.1 billion monthly active users. And it has certainly made the world turn heads. Who uses WeChat?More men (67.5%) than women (although this may reflect the fact that China has more men than women in its population!).People... continue reading


How to connect leads between WeChat and CRM?
How to connect leads between WeChat and CRM?
by YIVA Digital Team
on 2020-06-03

How to connect leads between WeChat and CRM?

Technically, connect the lead data generated on WeChat to the third-party platform or CRM is not a problem, but the challenge is to identify the sales leads from your WeChat followers.Firstly, we need to clarify that WeChat refers to the WeChat offic... continue reading

How to Migrate WeChat Official Account
How to Migrate WeChat Official Account
by Feiya Gao
on 2020-04-29

How to Migrate WeChat Official Account

What is WeChat Official Account migration?The official account does not support direct change. The public platform introduces WeChat OA (official account) migration function, through which followers, violation records, posts/articles/documents (optio... continue reading


Introducing WeChat Short Video Feature
Introducing WeChat Short Video Feature
by Kevin Goodwin
on 2020-04-06

Introducing WeChat Short Video Feature

The short video social platforms such as TikTok, Kuaishou are raising in China. The other platforms from internet giants such as Baidu and Alibaba were also join in the competition.  There have had a certain impact on the usage duration in WeCha... continue reading


WeChat Mini-Programs Overview
WeChat Mini-Programs Overview
by Jerry
on 2020-04-01

WeChat Mini-Programs Overview

WeChat officially launched Mini-Programs on January 2017, the light apps that do not require download or installation, users can simply leave the application after use without the need to uninstall. By the end of January 2018, a total of 580,000 Mini... continue reading


5 Benefits of Weibo Marketing to Drive Growth
5 Benefits of Weibo Marketing to Drive Growth
by YIVA Digital Team
on 2020-03-24

5 Benefits of Weibo Marketing to Drive Growth

Weibo Advertising Marketing is a great way to promote your business online toward China’s topmost social media platform. It is one of China’s oldest or most beloved social media networks to advertise your brand or services to engage more traffic towa... continue reading