The Trend of SEO on Baidu and why brands need to dominate Baidu?
Implementation of China’s Great Firewall in China means engines like Google and Bing could not compete in this market. Instead, China has a few major companies that seem to dominate this market, and we know one key search engine is Baidu. While there are plenty of search engines in China, Baidu leads the race for dominance by far. This is a platform for nearly every type of need, meaning users often go directly to search on Baidu based on their needs rather than go to the different search engines.
Baidu has maintained its leading market position with around 70% of the market share according to various sources. It’s known as China's first search engine platform because of its leading position. This made the Chinese search engine market much more fragmented, meaning it might make sense to target multiple search engines for Chinese marketing activities, depending on your audience, goals, and budget.
While this information can seem pretty overwhelming for newcomers, it’s important to keep in mind that at one point, nearly all non-native Chinese businesses were new to Chinese search engines. If they can figure out how to, you can too. The mobile search engine market would follow computer search engines, which means it is a lot more competitive.
It is important to understand that the predominant platforms are mobile or laptops. Tablets don’t seem to be as popular as they are in other countries. So when designing your website, keep in mind that your website needs to be mobile-friendly. If your website is user-friendly for mobile users, then your business will have a higher chance to create a powerful impact on the search engines you choose to market on. Given that Baidu’s cost per click is higher than the other search engine advertising platform, you might need to consider a few other smaller search engines to achieve a better ROI.
How to Boost Your SEO Digital Presence On Baidu?
There is, however, a range of different ways that you can optimize your SEO’s using different Baidu products. Baidu Webmaster Tools allow you to alter the crawl rate through your site and answering questions about your company on Teiba or Baidu Zhidao allows you to become more trusted.
However, ranking well on Baidu is difficult unless you have an experienced agency to optimize your website and create Chinese content that can boost your rankings.
If you want to appear at a higher position on Baidu, one of the best ways to get started is to utilize Baidu’s other products. Read below for some more information. Or for a full guide on Baidu SEO check out our other blog below.
Create Your Company Profile on Baike (百科)
Baike is like Wikipedia, but companies do have the option to purchase the right to have control over what goes on their page. Many companies have control over what gets put on their pages through this paid service option.
This is the Nike Baike profile.
Engage on Baidu’s Q&A Platform Baidu Zhidao (百度知道)
Zhidao is another essential part of Baidu’s infrastructure. This is a Q&A website which allows people to answer questions about their business.
Since research is an essential part of the buyer’s journey and a massive part of Chinese buying culture, this is an excellent way to increase your reviews and create an organic search presence.
Zhidao is most comparable to Quora, making it compete with China’s other popular Q&A platform Zhihu. Zhihu also ranks incredibly well on Baidu, so get started answering questions on both these platforms to get some great organic results!
Leverage the File Sharing Platform Wenku (文库)
Wenku(文库 ) is essentially a file-sharing service that supports a wide range of unique documents. It’s mostly known for the controversies surrounding it because of users uploading pirated content, however, it can be very useful for SEO.
This can function like Linkedin’s Slideshare. Companies can upload documents, whitepapers, and other useful resources for users to find. These will often appear in search results for the right keywords and can create meaningful impressions on users who come across them.
Tieba and Baidu News
I have already mentioned Tieba, but Baidu also runs other websites that you should know about. Baidu News is a very trusted source and has a high number of visitors. If your content qualifies to be on this site, then you should really go for it, as it will massively increase your chances of being recognized organically.
Relevant article: Top 10 On-Page Chinese SEO Tips
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