On October 23rd 2015,WeChat official released "The WeChat Life" big data report, which revealed a lot of WeChat product big data information. For example, in September, WeChat average daily login users reached 570 million; WeChat's penetration in first-tier cities already reached 93%; WeChat's daily peak activity time has been moved up from last year's 22:30 to today's 22:00. Before the release of "The WeChat Life" report, Tencent Business Analysis team published a 40-pages PPT "The First WeChat Influence Report" to help to understand of basic characteristics and action of WeChat users, as well as meet the needs of doing some researches about WeChat's influence on information consumption and social service.
WeChat Phenomenon
From the birth of WeChat in 2011 January, WeChat already has been 5 years old. In the beginning, the app was just a very simple "communication app",and now it has been advanced and covers every aspect of Chinese people's life,including clothing, food,shelter and travel. WeChat is evolving from an "App" to a "Phenomenon Product",which contains huge social benefit and economic driving force. It's also one of the most important social platforms for businesses to enter China market
Basic Demographics of WeChat users
According to the research, WeChat is a male-dominated App,more than sixty per cent of users are male. WeChat male to female ratio is 1.8:1.
WeChat users are very young. About half users under 26 years old, and about 90% users under 36 years old.18-35 years old users are WeChat's main user group, accounts for 86.2% of the whole WeChat users.
WeChat users' vocation distribution is more concentrated. The enterprise staff,freelancer,students,companny employees are four main types of occupation,the proportion of the above four vocation types of WeChat users sum up to 90%.
More and more WeChat users start to surf the Internet through mobile network,Users whose monthly data flow over 100M breaks 80%,and users whose monthly data flow over 400M breaks 40%.
WeChat's social influence
WeChat has gradually become part of people's life. WeChat users that open WeChat App averagely over 10 times a day ups to 55.2%. The proportion of WeChat heavy users comes close to 1/4,who open WeChat App averagely over 30 times a day.
As an already popular and essential communication tool, 62.7% of users have over 50 WeChat friends,and above 1/4 WeChat users has over 100 friends. WeChat strengthens the connections between people, 57.3% of WeChat users met new friends or reconnected with old friends through WeChat.
In the last 12 month, WeChat directly drives the scale of information consumption, which has reached 95.2 billion RMB. That is equal to 4.24% of China's total consumption scale in 2013. Flow consumption most obviously embodies the promotion that WeChat does to information consumption. Besides,WeChat also drives other information consumption, such as Gaming and Public platform.
WeChat promotes data consumption. About 54% of WeChat users admit that after the using of WeChat,the number of mobile flow has been increased. And about 1/4 users say the data they used for WeChat account for over 30% of their total data consumption.
54% of users that admit WeChat indeed increased their data consumption, by 10%-20% user's data consumption increased by 38.3%,
WeChat's influence on entertainment consumption
Around half of WeChat users used the emoticon. paid emoticon users reach 5.2% in 2014 while 38.3% uses free WeChat emotion.